Friday, November 29, 2013

Enlightened Despots

I believe shot the colossal, Frederick the heavy(p) , Joseph II, and Catherine the Great were entirely really(prenominal) enlightened despots because they were distictively different from other monarchs of the time period. They ruled their subjects exploitation the principles of the enlightenment. This meant that they ruled with the purpose of developing their subjects, for their well-being, not to please the nobility. They soundless believed they had the right to govern by birth, but what they did with their power was what was different.          diaphysis the Great was credited for westernizing Russia. He did many things while in power including aboloshing the serf system which tied tenant farmers to certain(prenominal) properties for life story and replaced the powers belonging to the nobility with a greatly spread come in bureaucracy composed of educated civil servants. This was obviously a decision made for the people. Peter under alikek many extensi ve reforms uncluding condition the government, creating a regular army and navy, took control of church property, create mentally it fully linked to the state, abolishing church heirarchy. All these reforms were in friendship of the people. These were enlightened decisions. Therefore Peter was one of the enlightened despots.         Fredrick the Great devoted himself to making Prussia stong. In doing so he wanted to geographically expand their territory. So he invaded the Austrian race of Silesia, and was conquestful in doing so. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Fredrick was considered a military genius and likewise establis h Prussia as a great military power. He fina! nced the reconstruct of towns, and roads to better travel. Besides his military success Frederick too established universal religious toleration and disposed(p) freedom of the press. He established protections for the people against the law, by move up the wakeless process, and aboloshing torture. These decisions were with the people in mind, making Frederick also a very influencial enlightened despot. If you want to get a full essay, order of magnitude it on our website:

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