Saturday, February 8, 2014

London Ion The 1500's

Sunday 2nd September 1666 abide Report - impetuous, sapless and windy The Thames water level was very low following(a) a hot summer Early hours The combust began in the Pudding path abode of baker Thomas Farriner. When questioned subsequent Farriner said that he had checked all five combustion hearths in his house and he was certain that all fires were out. Nevertheless, when the family were woken by smoke in the early hours of the daybreak, the fire was so head established that the family could non use the stairs had to execute through an on a higher floor window. 3a.m. The fire was so well established that it could be seen from a poop of a international mile away. Early forenoon The Lord Mayor was talk over to hostel the death of four houses. He decided not to issue the order because the city would then be obligated for re-building those houses. The fire mail destroying houses west of Pudding Lane. The metropoliss water engine was also destroyed. 7 am Samuel Pepyss maid reported to him that more than three deoxycytidine monophosphate houses had been destroyed. Samuel Pepys kept a diary of events Mid-morning News of the fire hallow out through the city and the streets were filled with people hurry to escape the fire. Sunday Night The fire had burned for half(a) a mile to the East and North of Pudding Lane. baron Charles II had been informed of the fire and he had instructed the Mayor to curl up implement either houses necessary to plosive the spread of the fire. However, in a City where the houses were very tightly packed, pulling down enough houses to stop the fire before the fire took pretend was a difficult, approximately impossible task. Monday 3rd September 1666 Weather Report: hot dry and windy Early morning The fire continued to spread and householders had to choose whether to help the fire-fighting drift or attempt to excuse goods from their own houses. The Thames was full(a) of boats lade n with seat rescued from houses that had b! urnt down. Profiteers made money by hiring carts and boats at high prices. more or less people could not afford...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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