Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mount Nyiragongo The volcanoes of the world are magnificent and

muckle Nyiragongo The vol great dealoes of the world be magnificent and enchanting structures. just almost ar quiet and some are colossal. Some lay passive for many old age while others break away on a regular basis. outletes can obliterate completed cities in a matter of minutes. Although it is not particularly head cognize, Mount Nyiragongo is an of the essence(predicate) and interesting, as well as a poisonous volcano. Mount Nyiragongo is located in the eastern part of Zaire, or the elected nation of congou tea in Africa. It is at a analogue and longitude of 1.5S, 29.3E. Like the majority of African volcanoes, is associated with the vitamin E African respite and is part of Africas Virunga volcanic Chain. This mountain filament is virtuoso of Africas close prominent geologic features (Nyiragongo vent, popular majority rule of the congou tea). With a summit face lift of 11,365 feet, Nyiragongo towers over its neighboring volcano, Nyamlagira, and either of the other surrounding volcanoes (Nyiragongo Volcanic Eruption). Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano, to a fault know as a composite c unrivalled volcano. A stratovolcano is a tall, steep-sloped, nearly symmetrical volcanic structure. Its andesitic lava is mainly deposited from one rattling(a) central vent. Typically, stratovolcanoes are the most violent fictitious tone of volcano. Mount Nyiragongo is no exception. Raging fires, fierce tremors, plumes of smoke, and viscous lava flows that can range from one to one-hundred feet wide are all traits of a Mount Nyiragongo bang. The volcano often spews frame and ash. It is even cognize sometimes to emit sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The large amount of dust in the air at times causes major health problems to the battalion and wildlife dwelling in the region (Skies). Mount Nyiragongo has been truly active for at least the last 150 years. The 1,200 one thousand wide crater contains benches, which mark pr evious lava lake levels (Nyiragongo, democr! atic majority rule of congo-Zaire). A lava lake is formed when hot, liquid lava becomes trapped in a depression, or crater formed by an active volcano. A lava lake can be totally melted, but it can besides be either partially or fully solidified. Lava lakes normally solidify, or harden, from the top calibrate and from the bottom up (Lava Lakes). sometimes a lava lake can take up to thirty years to harden, and they can be up to 400 feet deep (Lava Lakes). From 1894 to 1977, a crater at the summit of Niyragongo contained a wide lava lake. On January 10, 1977, the lava lake abruptly drained from fissures in the face of the volcano. The lava travelled toward the near city of Goma at speeds of up to 40 miles per moment. Several throng were killed, and all of the nearby towns were devastated. The lava lake drained in less than one hour. Again, lava lake activity continued from June 1982 to early 1983. In 1994, part of the crater was filled with a lava lake once again. The 130-foot lake sent lava to a greater extent than 2,600 feet down the mountainside (Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of congou-Zaire). The most recent eruption of Mount Niyragongo had a shocking effect. On January 17, 2002, Nyiragongo erupted with remarkable power. in that location were strong earth tremors about every fifty seconds at the beginning of the eruption. They did not belittle until the next day. Lava spouted out of the Confederate side of the volcano and traveled at about 1.2 to1.8 kilometers per hour (Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo). As it flowed, the lava demolished more than fourteen small villages. When the lava reached Goma, it slice a 200-foot wide class through the City, leveling everything in its path. Mount Nyiragongos score is one of violence. Yet, through the destruction, multitude can watch the forces that are constantly forming the surface of the earth. whole kit Cited Lava Lakes, Tubes, and Fountains. Planetary Exploration. 16 fall 2001. 8 Oct 2002. http://planetaryexplora! tion.net/jupiter/io/photoglossary/lava_lakes_tubes. html Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire). vent-hole World-The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web. 28 Jan 2002. 8 Oct 2002. http://www.volcanoworld.org/vwdocs/volc_images/africa/nyiragongo.html Nyiragongo Volcano, Democratic Republic of the Congo. USGS-Africa Volcanoes and Volcanics. 23 Jan 2002. 8 Oct 2002. http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/Africa/description_africa_volcanics.html Nyiragongo Volcano Eruption. Volcano Live. 17-21 Jan 2002. 8 Oct 2002. http://www.volcanolive.com/news15.html Skies of Eastern DR Congo Filled with a cherry-red Glow: Mount Nyiragongo Erupts. Your Dot Com for Africa. 20 Jan 2002. 8 Oct 2002. http://www.marekinc.com/PhotosNyiragongoerupts.html If you insufficiency to get a full essay, send it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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