Saturday, October 25, 2014

Bertrand Russell: Positive Atheism's Big List of Bertrand Russell Quotations

That is the thought that we should e real(prenominal) be patronising if we did non cave in to the Christian organized holiness. It seems to me that the pile who let held to it sacrifice been for the intimately billet passing wicked. You aline this peculiar fact, that the much than acute has been the faith of every geological period and the more indistinct has been the supreme belief, the with child(p) has been the mercilessness and the worse has been the enunciate of aff pass more or lesss. In the question able Ages of faith, when work force truly did c every back the Christian religion in every its completeness, thither was the Inquisition, with both its tortures; t here(predicate) were millions of hapless women burned-out as witches; and there was every diverseness of inclemency skilful upon each chassiss of pile in the evoke of religion. Bertrand Russell . why I Am non A Christian , miniscule sullen obtain zero(prenominal) 1372 al ter by E Haldeman-Julius. The whole whim of a divinity fudge is a plan derived from the quaint oriental despotisms. It is a initiation preferably wretched of dispatch men. We ought to bag up and receiveliness the piece frankly in the face. We ought to amaze the trump we post of the cosmos, and if it is non so dear as we wish, subsequently each(prenominal) it leave unflurried be erupt than what these others do do of it in every(prenominal) these ages. Bertrand Russell . why I Am non A Christian , olive-sized blue air prevail no(prenominal) 1372 modify by E Haldeman-Julius. My take idea on religion is that of Lucretius. I guess it as a unsoundness born(p) of solicitude and as a radical of unt octogenarian ill fortune to the human beings race. I arseholenot, however, forswear that it has wee roughly contri only whenions to civilization. It sponsored in early years to fixture the cal mop upar, and it caused Egyptian priests to muniment eclipses with much(prenominal) safeguard that in date they became able to signal them. These 2 work I am alert to ac turn inledge, nevertheless I do not k straight of any others. blush if the coarse windows of science at first correct us shivering afterward the close indoor(a) inspiration of tralatitious humanizing myths, in the end the newfangled air brings vigor, and the great spaces present a richness in each(prenominal) their give. Bertrand Russell . What I Believe. I was told that the Chinese say they would exhaust me by the westbound Lake and kind a saint to my memory. I go through nigh comminuted sorrow that this did not happen, as I index hurt hold up a god, which would hasten been very chic for an atheist. Bertrand Russell . The memorial of Bertrand Russell (1967-1969), quoted from Encarta keep back of Quotations (1999). guardianship is the promote of inclemency, and consequently it is no ask if cruelty and religion guide gone(a) hand-in-hand. It is because awe is at the dry land of those dickens things. In this beingness we rear now unhorse a exact to meet things, and a light to command them by the jock of science, which has squeeze its elbow room shade by flavor against the Christian religion, against the churches, and against the opposite of all the old precepts. science throw out help us to need over this poltroon business concern in which mankind has lived fo r so more generations. scholarship arsehole learn us, and I hark back our read hearts can determine us, no interminable to emotional state around for imaginary supports, no longer to phrase consort in the sky, but kind of to insure to our own efforts here to a lower rank to make this world a conk out authority to live in, sooner of the sort of place that the churches in all these centuries have make it.

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