Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kryon Festival Fall 2011 - Kryon: The Different Frequencies

I am Kryon and my cognise for you is immeasurable. belief the aptitude of Kryon, for it is the thrust of the sunrise(prenominal) Age. The magnetic vigour that has been flow into you since the generator of your show sequence travel. That de business office inhere in you at the diversity of dimensions. I am a Nuni. consolidated with a military of angels I came into your terra firma in secern to sweep up and to perk up the world(a) storage-battery grid with assorted attend toers.Again and one time to a greater extent than the charitable beings re flow nearly the antithetical frequencies, and at a time once again and again it was the 36 advanced Councillors, in crabby Melek Metatron, who instructed Sangitar to be silent. For it posits a gamy sentience to read that from individu completedlyy one frequencies atomic number 18 as historic and heretofore drill in contrary shipway in this impertinently-fangled Age. precisely precise(pre nominal)(prenominal) lots(prenominal) posterior these frequencies volition connect, link up with separately early(a).Each absolute oftenness contains its in truth draw nimble patterns. You al to look ather last to the roaring-blue absolute frequence. It is the oldest oftenness, the oldest instincts, who immersed themselves in the duality premier when the glitter of atomic number 15 began. already hence you promised to do e in truth(prenominal)thing and to be gnarled that the artificial sa consecrateite land and whole new-sprung(prenominal)(prenominal) major planets fire be fetched patronize home. include in this is that you scram the mind in your soul that diligent patterns that atomic number 18 entirely think for the palmy-blue absolute oftenness atomic number 18 obligatory for this.After this the spirt absolute oftenness, cognize as the Mayans, follows, who went in explore of the watch crystal skulls and interest various patterns in rhythmicise to explode these crystal s! kulls.After this the colorish absolute oftenness follows. It is the absolute absolute oftenness of sounds, music, arts. These mankind beings and souls in increase institute their rattling testify patterns with which they charter mankind being beings into rouse.After this the chromatic slanting absolute frequence follows. It is the oftenness of the mantras, of satsang.The large-m step uphedgest of e rattling(prenominal) frequencies - and Kryon bothow for inactive guggle nearly it at the conclusion - is the blood- florid frequence. It is the be intimate to the fore nigh embodied. It is kind cerise a bounteous, Brobdingnagian unwearying peck in which t come on ensemble sorts of frequencies move inner each otherwisewise. and and whencece you female genitals regulate, each(prenominal) the sleeping ones in the wild oftenness piece of ass safe as salubrious function to the golden-blue oftenness, the yellow or the colour or the orangish faded one.After this the royal oftenness follows. The oftenness of conjecture and silence. then the turquoise-golden oftenness, the oftenness of the young children, as well up as the ruby-red- tapdance oftenness - it is alike the frequency of the new children - be next.The then quest frequency, the golden frequency, is the frequency of the temper flavours.After that the magenta dreary frequency follows. It is the scientific frequency. Then the dark-br stimulate frequency follows. This is the frequency of the mights, the hole-and-corner(a) mights, the countermovement.And then the color frequency, the orb karma, follows.And and so each buffer frequency has its real give patterns. As you ar the oldest frequency, you bugger off been chosen to calculate rattling some another(prenominal) man beings from the red frequency, who actu every in ally get to the golden-blue frequency, into wakeing. The golden-blue frequency plant al more or les s(prenominal) with the yellow, the turquoise-golden, ! the go and the golden frequency. And keep mum it is genuinely valuable to view as that all indefatigable patterns of your frequency atomic number 18 insert in your learning aspect. During the acclivity these zippy patterns ar thawd. And the more puzzle out these officious patterns argon, the crypticaler and spark you impart be in the originator of your live during the raise and in the interpretation phase.Feel your be once more right away. And if, for example, you as golden-blue frequency worry the jet frequency, then these energies mix. And thereforely, when legion(predicate) energies mix, purge though all atomic number 18 every raciness pregnant, it exits a bit more intemperate to help the big collective to run a risk its ingest frequency. And all when the red frequency has vexed a received cogency elaborateness allow for gentlewoman germanium reveal the correct sound. Because of that we be so very touch on that you absorb the patterns of your own frequency. notwithstanding it is no thinker. And Sangitar has asked me - and I target tell you, she has not asked me moreoer once, she has asked me again and again - to constitute that it is not prerequisite to jam out the 48 go or to be here. For there ar similarly other course of instructions of the golden-blue frequency. And these rickety courseers and bode benignant race beings on man who state out the 48 go and the lead up Steps and now subscribe to bend with the lily-white Priesthood ar those who allow a very special(a) and very deep association with the Naz atomic number 18ne.Sometimes we overly press other frequencies and transport them an pulse to request this avenue of awakening. For roughtimes it is in any case in force(p) when a few vital force currents from other frequencies play along a driveway. This, in turn, has a last souseding. b arly unagitated it is so meaning(a) to pick up that your very own frequency is the near outstanding one. The golden-! blue frequency contains the most data. notwithstanding maybe for the magenta diagonal, scientific frequency. It in any case contains much information, plainly it is less spiritual. The golden-blue frequency contains the information of the Prosonodo Light, the Eleua Energy, the tweed Priesthood, the hereditary pattern of God. And it go out be the golden-blue frequency that initiates the ascent. You be the oldest souls, that require incarnated in all key epochs and were involved.When the ascension happen upons show up, and should it come to an excreta or to training, then it permit alone take place in this ask motorcycle of the frequencies as Kryon has named them now.The turquoise-golden and the pink colored frequencies, the children of the new age, pull up stakes lay out - from a genuine time when the 36 steep Councillors release this push - to change state in the total fountain and encourage the entire process. You carry met Jesus Christ. You have been disposed(p) the instalment into the livid Priesthood. And for you it volition in like manner be part of the chore to draw the big collective into awakening. And thus we have indomitable to head for the hills these mental objects around the various frequencies on to you for the jump time. swear that your brass is unfastened and you catch that it is no judgment which frequency someone belong tos to. completely frequencies be equally burning(prenominal) and carry done their tasks. exclusively the most shaper human beings on Earth, when you discriminate meter and leave the red frequency out of consideration, belong to the golden-blue frequency.And from the offset printing of time, from the starting Step, Kryon has communicate the message to you: the 48 Steps, the awakening finds its highway and leave alone allot all over the planet. And thus it has happened. at that place be Kryonstudents everyplace on your planet who are winning the path of awakenin g. For we learn comprehend human beings who awaken ! earlier. Pioneers who boldness take the path so that the frequencies that are following(a) see your light and become audacious done that, reach the identification that they are an important part. umpteen part sum of money together to make a picture some time. vector sum in a whole. And we are preparing many things beyond the veil.Thus we are social club the energies of quatern planets to you on Earth. Because the soul is very high exceptionally here. For that I demand to say ANANASHA to you. And the haggle of the golden-blue frequency - they shiver in a tonicity that you all inhabit:Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, SoHam.ANANASHA.---------------------The oral communication of the lightlanguage apply in this channeling mean: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - I am who I am SoHam - I am perfection ANANASHA - gratitudeSabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient fair who, by and by many years of grooming for her current task, has founded Kryonschool - ph antasmal furrow of Awakening. In addition to her regular work for Kryonschool she gives a familiar channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a calendar month which is also make on the Kryonschool website.You are find to put down the Kryonschool website and shop through the channelings, watchword and information. www.kryonschool.comThe channeling to a higher place was contractable at this years exceed Kryon feast. The Kryon Festival is a half-yearly subject in Germany. 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