Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Grow old, dont grow up.

I deal in Hakuna Matata. I intend that the seaweed isnt greener in individual elses lake. I opine in whistling enchantment you work. But in general I study, that inside, you should neer bob up up. Every champions searching for the modernistic cure to advance. todays spirt of y placeh. Botox, plastic surgery, the most insane procedures to bring forth you back something you never lost. Being a child isnt somewhat age, its some state of mind. Its jest at the elementary things, smiling, and even tattle along with a favorite Disney image every like a shot and again. Society tells us to act our age, or turn up already, notwithstanding thats when you blow a big boo in edicts flavor and tell them, you assumet fright what they think. Currently, I am a minor(postnominal) in game school. Most of my friends ar seniors, or in college. All of them argon exploitation up. Getting licenses, purchase cars, having sex, drinking, even smoking. They argon becoming adults, or at least(prenominal) their own ideas of them. Im not doing some(prenominal) of those things, but I am still drawing old along side them. Everyones in a rush to grow up, feed out, and hook on their lives. No one truly sees anymore, that your life-time starts the day your born, not the day you move out. I theorize I begettert really have a story about how I started to recall this. Ive full grown up, erudite that if I codt exigency to, I never have to. My fetch still plays ikon games, still likes toys, and likes some of the alike(p) kids movies I do. I naan was like that to. I see no reason to cash in ones chips a hot family tradition. And I know, Ill teach my children the same way my give taught me to live. Freely, like a child on a playground. I also intend in the rules of the playground. dresst repel former(a) children reach the swing. Share your toys. wear upont channel anyone out. And never yobbo another kid. I also recall in nonviol ence. handsome rather than receiving. Equality. And peace. I intend in never stressing out over venial things, I believe that you should be capable with what you have, and I believe you should do everything with a smile. I believe that most mass ignore these messages, because they came from movies targeted for shrimpy children. I believe, no I know, that is wrong. We teach these lessons in our children for a reason, and we should never stuff them as we grow old. Besides, just because you learned something from a radical thin phonograph recording or a bright one-sided movie doesnt make it any less important. As adults, we should know better, and mete out each other with the same celebrate that children treat each other on the playground. I believe in ontogenesis old, and never growing old. This I believe.If you want to get a full essay, bon ton it on our website:

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