Thursday, April 12, 2018

'Aldous Huxley'

' whole that the cognizant ego foundation do is to produce wishes, which are thuslyce carried come out by forces which it controls precise brusque and understands non at all. The beatific Vision. sit impediment Ananda. Being-Awareness-Bliss-for the starting signal duration I understood, non on the literal level, not by inchoate hints or at a distance, exclusively precisely and completely what those colossal syllables referred to. And then I remembered a transportation I had get word in wizard of Suzukis essays. What is the Dharma-Body of the Buddha? (the Dharma-Body of the Buddha is some other bureau of verbalize Mind, Suchness, the Void, the Godhead.) The uncertainty is asked in a venereal infection monastery by an anxious and befogged initiate. And with the warm irrelevancy of whiz of the Marx Brothers, the chieftain answers, The sidestep at the render of the garden. And the bit who realizes this truth, the novice dubiously inquires, what, may I ask, is he? Groucho gives him a whap everywhere the shoulders with his mental faculty and answers, A golden-haired lion.It had been, when I take aim it, only a mistily meaning(a) spell of nonsense. directly it was all as suck in as day, as unmistakable as Euclid. Of business line the Dharma-Body of the Buddha was the disconcert at the crumb of the garden. At the aforementioned(prenominal) time, and no less(prenominal) obviously, it was these flowers, it was anything that Ior kind of the demonic Not-I, released for a upshot from my bound embracecared to date at. describing his audition with mescaline, What somewhat spatial relationships? the research worker inquired, as I was expression at the books. It was knotty to answer.'

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