Thursday, June 20, 2019

E-Marketing Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E-Marketing Case Study - Essay Example1). It is only when an brass considers a group as a key stakeholder that they can invest on a campaign targeting them. The other groups that seen as key stakeholders of HP argon CIOs and IT executives who were targeted in the 2004 campaign, change+ hp. Celebrities and media ho practices are the other group identified as key stakeholders for HP as they were used to advance The Personal once again Campaign while MTV collaborated with HP to develop the reality show Meet or Delete. According to Chakraborty and Govind (2008, p.5) HP decided to target several(prenominal) of its stakeholders in The Computer is Personal Campaign. These stakeholders include celebrities where as observed by Chakraborty and Govind (2008, p.5) the commercials featured Jay-Z and Shaun White. HP also targeted to harness the capability of media houses to reach out to its customers. Furthermore, the Campaign targeted unalike consumers but within the age bracket of 15 to 34 a nd middle sized businesses. b) Charlesworth (2009, p.49) explains internet grocery storeing otherwise known as e-marketing is the process of promoting run and products over the internet. HP opted to use internet marketing given the obvious reasons that this marketing can reach to greater number of customers and is personalized. The issues that organisations need to consider when development e-marketing methods on an international basis include the concern that customers may not have an interaction with the product before they purchase it. The other issue is that of ensuring the security measure of the development of the customers when they are making on-line purchase. Moreover, Charlesworth (2009, p.49) argues that different nations have different considerations of what can be used in marketing campaigns which defined by their refinement and morals. Another issue is explaining how the client can have the computer delivered to them after purchase. HP has to take into considerat ion the different cultures and morals of its target group when use e-marketing. This is given some of the celebrities in the Europe have no problem posing for a photo when nude but this is unacceptable in some societies and thus use of such photos should be discouraged. The company must also address the issue of customers not getting to interact with the product before they defecate the purchase. To deal with this, HP should offer support centres for its customers in different locations. The advertisement used must explain to the customers how the company will ensure the security of their study during transactions and how the computer can be shipped to the client after purchasing them. c) Viral marketing as described by Kaplan and Haenlein (2011, p. 253) refers to the technique of marketing that makes use of the already existing social networks to promote a brand by use of self-reproducing viral processes. Viral marketing may make use of movie clips, advergames, eBooks, images, brandable software or text messages. Kaplan and Haenlein (2011, p. 253) lists three criteria critical in viral marketing including a messenger, message and environment. A messenger requires to have three components which includes market mavens, social hubs and salespeople as outlined by Kaplan and Haenlein (2011, p. 253). HP makes use of celebrities as the market mavens for effective viral marketing. HP also used website created for fans to access information on the 2006 Fifa World Cup as their

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