Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Human Resource Management - Essay Example One positive solution is the recruitment of older individuals into the current workforce. This strategy will serve in solving the current shortage in the labor force as well as provide long-term benefits that future generations will be able to reap. The main approach that should be taken when attempting to implement this strategy is the encouragement of the ideal that older employees are still needed within the workforce. Organizations should strive to make their older employees feel wanted and integrate them with younger generation so as to allow them to benefit from their experience. Doing so successfully will solve the problems that are currently being faced by the organizations and attempt at ensuring that they will not have to be faced again in the future. Introduction The labor force has been faced with a problem over the past couple of years as an ageing population has become the near majority of available workers as the society faces a decrease in birth rates in most develope d countries. This issue has meant that organizations have had to come up with a way to ensure that they can gain a steady supply of labor so as to avoid complications with replenishing their workforce when necessary (Denhardt & Denhardt, 2009). The main solution would be a long term objective of adopting strategies that will enhance the transition of employees that go through an organization’s doors. Including the older employees in the workforce can be said to be the first strategy that should be implemented towards achieving this objective. However, methods will have to be developed so as to ensure that the strategy implementation is successful (O'Brien, 2009). To do so one will have to look at the various challenges that may be faced while trying to integrate the older generation into the workforce and the possible solutions that can be found for them. The benefits should also be studied to determine the advantages that will come with the application of this new approach t owards the older workforce (Denhardt & Denhardt, 2009). The strategy will have to include ways of encouraging the older employees to remain with the company as in some case, others could have been tempted with the thought of retirement. There will also be a need to develop ways in which the older generation will work in harmony with the younger employees. Business Case There is a wise business sense in implementing the strategy of involving the older generation within the workforce. The main issue would be to look at the benefits that such an action would bring to an organization and which areas would such a strategy improve (Denhardt & Denhardt, 2009). While looking at the case from a business point of view, the first thing to be considered would be the costs that could be incurred or reduced as a result of recruiting older workers into the labor force. The main issue would be that the action would only prove justifiable if the act of including additional older employees into the w orkforce will result in a reduction of the costs of operations and if possible, provide a means of profitability as well be it marginally or outright accountability (O'Brien, 2009). In order to establish this, there will need to be a number of areas that have to be studied

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