Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Communication Self-Analysis :: Communication

1. I just started working at a clothing store, and it was a great way for me to engage in new conversations and identify the elements that go into interpersonal communication. An essential to this conversation was that she was willing to take her time to get to know me and teach me how to do things, and I was able to listen. The following contexts existed in my conversation with a fellow girl coworker. The physical dimension was that we were at our workplace where it is dimly lit, there wasn’t a lot of people around, and we were surrounded by clothing. The temporal dimension was that it was nighttime when we were working so we were both tired, and I was a new employee whereas she had been working here for a long time and had more experience then I did. That also goes along with the social-psychological dimension in that we had a new relationship, she was in a higher rank then I was in our work, and the situation was friendly and easy going since we were just beginning to know each other. The cultural dimension came into play in that she is originally from Texas and I am from Utah. When she talked she had a slight southern accent and would use slang words like â€Å"ya’ll†, words that I usually don’t use. Noise had a big impact on the conversation as well. There was much physical noise around us from the loud music playing in the store, the sound of people walking the mall, the music playing in the mall, and other conversations going on around us. There wasn’t any obvious physiological noise, but there was psychological noise going on with myself as I wasn’t so focused on what she was saying and more worried about if I was doing my job right and in making a good first impression. Also, it was my first time meeting this person so I tried hard not to make any preconceived ideas about the girl. Semantic noise was the southern accent the girl had. When speaking to this girl I did realized how context and noise can influence the way a conversation goes. 2. One of my roommates just got a new boyfriend, and from the moment I met him my perception process told me that I wouldn‘t like this guy. The first thing I noticed about him was that he reeked of smoke and alcohol.

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