Thursday, October 10, 2019

Shape-Changers the Chronicles of the Cheysuli

Book Report Trevor Mendham While i was in the library with the class. Shape-Changers the Chronicles of the Cheysuli written by Jennifer Roberson had caught my interest. This book was published in 1984 while the author was living in a castle. Jennifer Roberson has said that the eight book series had been inspired by the castle in Wales. Although this book is part of a large series, I strongly believe this book is about the choices that we make. The main character Alix has the choice to play it safe or to take a risk and truly find the answers she seeks. I personally would enjoy continue reading this series. Although the book was very short and left quite a few lose ends for the next book. This book set in the land of Cheysuli within the Kingdom of Homana. Alix the daughter of a man who was a religion leader whom resigned after the war on shape-changers started. After this he started running a under-croft, where dead body are displayed for the public viewing, taking a major reduction in wage and honourable work. Alix has fallen for the prince named Carillon a childhood friend, from the fathers previous profession. Soon after they are captured while walking in the woods by the shape-changers. Alix finds that she is half blooded shape-changer and has to decide to accept who she is, and lose the love of price Carillon and be at war with his race. This story was very odd but was a good book. The fiction of this story is tied to reality in a very unique way, that is very effective in making the story not feel very fantasy. This feature made the book truly more enjoyable. Other writing techniques like not having any foreshadowing. The book keeps you guessing until the very end. Even within the story parts that I had never seen coming, Like releasing the prince. Allowing Alix to run away and eventually return on curiosity. I would recommend anyone who wants a quick read of a quality story. Overall I would give this story eight out of ten stars without reading the rest of the series.

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