Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tanzanie Experiment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tanzanie Experiment Paper - Essay Example While some people argue that the curriculum should allow use of Kiswahili in secondary school, the policy makers argue that students should learn English to be able to participate globally. This paper explains how to set up a randomized control trial to obtain a solution for the challenge. 2. How to set up a randomized control trial in Tanzania. Deciding which language to be used for learning would be the most appropriate solution for the learning challenge in Tanzania. The criteria to decide on the most appropriate language would include ensuring that the language used for learning in school increase the students ability to learn and achieve global competitiveness. Tanzania, which is a former protectorate of British, has adopted English. English language is widely used in the globe while Kiswahili is a local language. Moreover, students can utilize books written by diverse authors across the globe without requiring a translation from English into Kiswahili. Selecting English as a le arning language in primary school would enable students to be empowered using English for communication, encourage a positive attitude in learning and familiarize students with basic expressions. There are two possible outcomes of the randomized controlled trial. Use of English as a learning language in primary school may improve the performance of student in secondary school. ... will ensure that the subjects of study will involve two clusters where one will receive early intervention of English language while the other cluster will use Kiswahili to learn in primary school. A follow up on the eligible or recruited subjects will be done to compare the outcomes. Jadad and Enkin (12) mention that randomized controlled trial reduces bias by selecting the subjects randomly. The trial will provide answers on weather introduction of English for learning in primary school would enable students increase their learning abilities in secondary school. The subjects will be randomly selected from different schools to include private and public schools in rural and urban setting. Classes of thirty to sixty students in two hundred and seventy schools will be randomly selected. Students will be introduced to English language for learning, in one hundred and thirty five schools. Teachers in the cluster that will use English for learning will be required to be proficient in Eng lish. The teachers can be trained while others can be employed. Students will be taught all subjects in English and be required to speak in English in their social setting. The measurement of their performance will be obtained regularly at the end of each semester. The results will be compared with that of the cluster that used Kiswahili in their primary school. Oral and written tests will be administered to students in the two clusters after every four months. Follow up will be extended in secondary school where students who learnt using English in primary school will be compared against those who learnt in Kiswahili. All subjects will be taught in English by teachers with competent English skills. The teachers will be required to use English when talking to the students within and

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