Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Saving Lancaster :: essays papers

Saving Lancaster There are problems facing people everyday, some worse than others, but none anymore pleasant. We see problems ranging from the environment to crime, gangs, diseases, wars and so many more. William Finnegan saw a major problem arising for the residents of Lancaster, California where he went to find out why two skin head gangs are so prevalent in the area. Parents working low wage jobs for long hours far from home made absent parents a huge problem as well as lack of education greatly due to poor funding. Finding the causes of large social problems helps to discover solutions and get people thinking about problems instead of just accepting them. A solution that would have a large impact on the city would be to use cooperate welfare to bring big business to the area, because it will help create local jobs, a circulation of money, and more money for better educational facilities and teachers. Many people would agree that Cooperate welfare is a problem in it self and are strongly against it. However, it is very common and does serve positive purposes. Cooperate welfare gives tax breaks and other incentives to encourage big businesses to come to a certain area. If the Antelope Valley could get businesses into the over populated city they would be able to provide local jobs for many families. This is important, because many of the parents in the valley are just making enough to get by. Both parents are usually forced to work and a major percentage of these families are single parent households with one income. They end up working long hours at low wages and for that reason are unable to be home for their children. The children begin going elsewhere to look for a place of company after school. Education starts in the home, so already they are losing out on half of the valuable education they need. Funding for schools comes from the government and it's obvious that richer areas have better schools. Cooperate welfare would bring more money to the area which would provide better funding for schools. Once a better educational system is established the schools can work on programs teaching kids about ignorance and racism at an early age. Also, providing sport teams, music classes, and other activities for children to get involved in would help keep more kids in school. Teen boredom seemed to be another major factor driving teens to the gang life. Getting businesses like dance clubs for minors, boys and girls clubs, movie theaters, shopping

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