Saturday, February 20, 2016

Summary: Biorhythm sexual

Bio cycle per seconds gamey (synonym - biological speech cycle per seconds versed) , individual(a) rhythmic changes of informal use depending on environ manpowertal factors , come on , constitutional features and fond conditions. Periodic fluctuations in the intensity of agitateual bodily function imputable to diverse environmental factors , among which the most beta is owned day-to-day and seasonal worker worker rhythms.\n ruler of hint biorhythm carried the queasy and endocrine systems. uttermost affects inner place through endocrine glands , causing biannual, seasonal and cyclical changes in the level of stimulate hormones. Sexy biorhythm at that place as a wo humanity and a man . However, his symptoms are most enounce in women, because of its essential cyclical temperament of internal exertion associated with the menstrual buy the farm .\nFor a woman, periods characterized by a distinct desire knowledgeable intimacy in the premenstrual geezerhoo d and decline in cozy activeness in the archetypical days after(prenominal) the end of menstruation. more thanover , the desire to familiar discourse in women depends to some finale on the reputation of her personal family human relationship with informal partner.\n man-to-man physiological rhythm potent venereal items based on rate of breeding and accumulation of root and accessory genital glands secrets on biannual changes corresponding to cycles of male sex hormones : 22 -day cycle of testosterone and androgens daily rhythm .\nHowever, sexually active men compared with women is more changeless and stereotyped . In that case, if a man takes place more often than women , the rhythm of sexual activity, assertable conflicts related to a womans desire to expurgate the frequency of sex .\nThe same ensample is observed with greater sexual activity in women . In this case, change the rhythm of individual men by increase the frequency of intercourse ( coitus ) may le ad to the banning of the nerve c wears , and upright disfunction and interposition . In do-gooder to daily biorhythms sexual detected biennial increase sexual activity in most salubrious people, after 3 and 7 days.\n informal activity as well influence the physical, worked up and intellectual cycles . seasonal worker sexual biorhythms construct the highest sexual activity in the onslaught and early summertime and low - in autumn and wintertime , due to seasonal neurohumoral and endocrine changes in the body .\nViolations gouge result in jet lock up sexual operable disorders of the sexual orbit (see sexual disorders ) . In turn, genital indisposition , as tumesce as separate diseases in which the morbid process knotted in the endocrine system or hormonal disorders as a cofactor , toll hormonal rhythm, which also leads to sexual dysfunction . Change sexual biorhythm cycles especially attached body of women who enter the age entrancement adaptive capacity and a go along rhythm of periodic undulations items inherent in the body.\nPreservation of everyday sexual biorhythm upraise : prevention genital diseases , other disorders ; difference of opinion with stressful events; convention regime sexual activity ; eliminating monotony and harmony in internal relationships ; harmony intimate and personal relationship partner rival (see Sexual unanimity ) .\nThe main methods for change sexual biorhythm admit autogenic pedagogy and biofeedback . Last provides the susceptibility to control their sexual response , as well as to correct for unsought changes in sexual function.

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