Monday, February 22, 2016

Thought for Tomorrow

When I was a young worldly concern, I intendd that show up was inevitablethat the adult male would be let erupt tomorrow and snap off exempt the sidereal day after. The thunder of war, the stench of concentration camps, the pick cloud of the atomic bomb ar, however, non conducive to optimism. whole our tomorrows for years to shine go away be clouded by the threat of a terrible holocaust.Yet my credence in the afterlife, though some(prenominal)what shaken, is non destroyed. I still call(a) up in it. If I sometimes discredit that man allow for gain his mortal potentialities, I never doubt that he bottomland.I guess that these potentialities promise both workforce a footmark beyond reckoning of the joys and comforts, veridical and spiritual, that life offers. non utopia, to be sure. I do not believe in utopias. Man whitethorn achieve exclusively moreover perfection.Paradise is not for this world. All hands dealnot be masters, still none co mmand to be a slave. We cannot cast out pain from the world, simply needless pain we can. Tragedy will be with us in some degree as long as there is life, alone misery we can banish. Injustice will raise its respectable stop in the scoop of all manageable worlds, but authoritarianism we can conquer. roughshod will charge some mens hearts, fanaticism will crouch some mens approximations, but decency is a distant more greenness human attribute, and it can be do to prevail in our daily lives.I believe all this because I believe, above all else, in intellectualin the baron of the human mind to cope with the problems of life. whatever calamity visited upon man, either by his profess hand or by a more almighty nature, could gravel been avoided or at to the lowest degree mitigated by a measure of thought. To nothing so much as the abandonment of conclude does humanity owe its sorrows. Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and normal life, have been the government issue of action without thought.Because I place my place in reason, I place it in the individual. There is a madness in crowds from which even the wisest, caught up in their ranks, atomic number 18 not immune. senselessness and cruelty are the attributes of the mob, not news program and compassion.I have known, as who has not, personal disappointments and despair. however always the thought of tomorrow has buoyed me up. I have looked to the future all my life. I still do. I still believe that with courage and intelligence we can organise the future glaring with fulfillment.Bernard Baruch rose to jut as a financier and division of the New York investment trust Exchange. He advise Presidents Woodrow Wilson during World struggle I, Franklin Roosevelt during the New cumulus and World struggle II, and Harry Truman in the post-war era. If you want to embark on a full essay, order it on o ur website:

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